Sunday, December 5, 2010

San Francisco Symphony link

San Francisco Symphony link

New Moon and Uranus Moving Forward Today

The New Moon is this morning in the sign Sagittarius at 13 degrees and 28 minutes at 9:36 AM Pacific.  URANUS is coming out of retrograde and moves forward in the sign of Pisces at 26 degrees and 40 minutes at 5:51 PM Pacific.  Now that you will be able to see all the work associated with your plans and visions, roll up your sleeves and get busy.  A lot to do before Thursday night when Mercury goes retrograde. The aspects of Mercury to Pluto are best observed watching Capital Hill.  This will affect Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo.   Love out loud.  Endless Blessings. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Am I misunderstanding all of this? "We the People" are being held like hostages until ransom is agreed upon? Is this kidnapping? Is this treason? We the People cannot count on the money that is deducted from personal payroll year after year, for payment of unemployment insurance to have been properly invested so that it provides support when we live in communities where the unemployment rate is 12% ? Whose fiduciary responsibility was it? Why are we arguing about who will pay in the future when insurance is invested and protected in funds that already exist? The administration of those funds is where the real questions lie? Not on the deficit, or on the backs of, "We the People." And after being held hostage, we the people will want justice from the hostage takers? This deserves all the expressions of outrage that I see.